
Monday, September 24, 2007

Allan Coleman's "GNMA Table" & Junk Bond Fund (VWEAX) Update

Allan Coleman posted on our Facebook Forum Sep 23, 2007 at 3:39 PM:

Here is your purchase , Tom , along with miine of the Vanguard GNMA fund on Friday at $10.17 a share .

For the Record :

$9.91 - " codfish " , and " hoover26 "

$9.93 - Capt. Kirk , " codfish " , " Moonlight " for a substantial purchase , " retiredinprescot " , " runner26 " for a definite second purchase , and myself for a second purchase

$9.94 - " destroyerman " , " Moonlight " , " runner26 " , " somedude3 " , and myself

$9.95 - " unnamed friend "

$9.96 - " cpa111 " , " jnosm " , " Moonlight " , " runner26 " , " somedude3 " , " and " AL_W " bought into the overall bond market when GNMAs were at this price

$9.98 - " Moonlight " , and " somedude3 "

$10.00 - " Icha " , Mary " mapgal " , " Moonlight " , " retiredinprescot " , " runner26 " , " somedude3 , and myself

$10.01 - " CGM64 " , " and " unnamed friend "

$10.08 - " runner26 "

$10.09 - " cpa111 " , and " unnamed friend "

$10.10 - " codfish "

$10.13 - " davey52 "

$10.14 - " cpa111 " , and " runner26 "

$10.17 - " Tom " , and myself

$10.19 - " Tom " , and myself

$10.20 - myself

$10.35 - " unnamed friend "

My average purchase price is $10.05 with my highest price paid is $10.20 . These are the figures I need to calculate when I can sell my GNMAs in the future as as to NOT have a principal loss in my GNMA investment . As long as I keep my sale when GNMA prices are at or above $10.20 a share , I'll have principal appreciation . And if I want to get into more detail than that , my average purchase price is $10.05 .

In addition , I also made my second Vanguard High - Yield ( junk ) bond fund ( VWEAX ) at $6.04 a share . With my first purchase of this fund at $6.00 , that puts my average purchase price for this fund at $6.02 a share . I also need this data in order to figure out when it may make sense to sell this fund later too .

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