Prices generally fell faster in July than in previous months with only 6 of the 20 cities reporting home price gains. New home sales data indicates that the higher-priced homes were harder hit. Jumbo mortgages are proving to be hard to get at reasonable rates. Going from a $400,000 mortgage to a $425,000 jumbo mortgage will push your payment up by $500 per month for a 30-year fixed rate. That's hit home prices in the more expensive coastal areas, but the desert has a different set of problems.
Arizona and Nevada saw tremendous population growth in recent years. That helped fuel a housing boom. But the torrent of people headed to the desert, has dried up in recent months. Phoenix area schools show no increase in enrollment this year compared with last. Tucson school enrollment is down by 2%. So is enrollment in Flagstaff schools. Phoenix, in particular, has thousands of foreclosed and vacant homes. The following graph shows the historical price pattern and my expectation through August of 2009.